Product Wholesaler

Tamipart started as a retail shop in 2013  focuses on the price conscious consumer who is looking for value as well as quality. The home is the centre of our lives.
It is the preferred refuge, where comfort and creativity cross, where our taste is reflected in everything that we choose, where we keep our most precious memories and give affection to the ones we love.

TAMIPART presents the possibility of choosing, combining and diversifying, giving more colour, shape and personality to the space we call home.
To the quality and good taste that characterize the brand, is now associated an aesthetic that accentuates the feeling of belonging, giving more emotion to each moment of fruition and sharing.

Inspired by the relaxed Mediterranean culture, conveying flavours and aromas marked by the sea and the sun, TAMIPART captured for each piece that unique spirit. The brightness and softness of the landscapes, the lazy heat of the summer afternoons, the fertility of the land and the expression of nature in its different forms recreate an enveloping universe of well-being.

Mix the sets on your table and enjoy the functionality and harmony they provide, permanent joy in your home.

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